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代表性论文-Serum Metabolomics Study Based on LC-MS and Antihypertensive Effect of Uncaria on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

2018年10月16日 14:50  点击:[]


上一条:代表性论文-Evaluation of the anti-hypertensive effect of Tengfu Jiangya tablet by combination of UPLC-Q-exactive-MS-based metabolomics and iTRAQ-based proteomics technology 下一条:代表性论文-Quantitative Serum Proteomic Analysis of Essential Hypertension Using iTRAQ Technique

版权所有 山东中医药大学| 地址:山东省济南市长清区大学科技园大学路4655号 | 邮编:250355| 鲁ICP备05002379号